Product Index
Analogue Meters
Digital Meters
Multi Function Displays
Measuring Transducters
Energy Counters
Shunts / Current Transformers
Special Instruments
Gas Warning Systems

Automatische Mess-und Steuerungstechnik GmbH, 91275 Auerbach, Enge Gasse 1, Telefon: 0 96 43 - 92 05 - 0, Telefax: 0 96 43 - 92 05 - 90, e-mail: info@ams-messtechnik.de

Messtechnik und Gaswarnsysteme
Illustration Shunts / Current Transformers
Analoge Anzeigegeräte, Digitale Messgeräte, Multifunktionsanzeige, Messumformer, Nebenwiderstände, Energiezähler, Stromwandler

Shunts / Current Transformers

Current Transformers

Current Transformers

Current Transformer Current transformers are used to transform a high AC current into (galvanic separation) AC current of 5 A or 1 A.
All our current transformers are fully compliant with DIN VDE 0414/1, DIN 42600 and DIN EN 60044/1 Edition 11/2001 as well as VBG 4 (finger contact safety).
The delivery program covers plug-on, wound-primary, summation current transformers and split core current transformers with a click-on lock.
The transformers are manufactured as class 1 or 0.5 products but are also available as class 0.2 products on request.


As standard our transformers come equipped with:
- Primary conductor mounts
- Protective insulation cover
- Foot mounts
- Secondary clip cover

On request the current transformers can be equipped with a snap-on fastener for 35 mm DIN rail.


Additional information: info@ams-messtechnik.de

Design und Programming: LILAC-media GbR toptopMade in Germany
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