Product Index
Analogue Meters
Digital Meters
Multi Function Displays
Measuring Transducters
Energy Counters
Shunts / Current Transformers
Special Instruments
Gas Warning Systems

Automatische Mess-und Steuerungstechnik GmbH, 91275 Auerbach, Enge Gasse 1, Telefon: 0 96 43 - 92 05 - 0, Telefax: 0 96 43 - 92 05 - 90, e-mail: info@ams-messtechnik.de

Messtechnik und Gaswarnsysteme
Illustration Shunts / Current Transformers
Analoge Anzeigegeräte, Digitale Messgeräte, Multifunktionsanzeige, Messumformer, Nebenwiderstände, Energiezähler, Stromwandler

Shunts / Current Transformers

Current Transformers


Shunts Shunts are being used to expand the measuring range of moving coil meters.
By using Manganin as resistor material the voltage drop is kept at a constant rate.
The shunts are fully compliant with DIN 43 703 and DIN EN 60 051.
Nominal current ranging from 1 A to 15000 A with a voltage drop of 60 mV or 150 mV are available.
As an option the shunts are available with a voltage drop of 100 mV or 300 mV.
Generally the shunts up to 25 A/60 mV or 150 mV come already pre-mounted on insulated sockets. On request the shunts can also be mounted on insulated sockets up to 800 A/60 mV or 150 mV.
The accuracy class is 0.5 % of the nominal value. On special request the accuracy class can be increased to 0.2 % of the nominal value.


Additional information: info@ams-messtechnik.de

Design und Programming: LILAC-media GbR toptopMade in Germany
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